Sabala Mahila Kendra, Pune and Latur – Vanchit Vikas

Sabala Mahila Kendra, Pune and Latur

Sabala Mahila Kendra, , Pune and Latur

Commencement : Since 1982

Area of operation : Pune

This Center aims at providing marriage and family counselling for women and their families since 1982. This has helped the families to live in harmony and amicably tackle family disputes. We also conducted vocational training courses, life skill and family life education sessions for adolescent age group. Additionally, work was done on legal literacy in slum areas where gender equality was also addressed.


Sabala Mahila Kendra, (Women Empowerment Centre), Latur Maharashtra, India

(Rehabilitation centre for widows / deserted women / women facing social problems)

Commencement: 8th August 1994

Area of operation : Latur, Osmanabad and Beed district of Marathwada in Maharashtra State

Divorced, separated, and widowed women are not given due respect in society. To empower these women this Center was started at Latur on 8th August 1994. The objective was to achieve social integration of these women so that they lead respectful life. In 2008, a specious facility was built to accommodate these women. Over 450 such women have stayed at this facility along with their children up to age of 5 years. These women stayed here from various rural regions of Marathwada for the purpose of education. All of them are now economically independent and have earned respect in the society. We have now started skill training programme for the urban women in need.